Monday, March 12, 2012

*Update* 3/12

Hey everyone! I have some super exciting news, well, exciting for me anyways :). Today I was told that in three weeks we will be evaluated for pointe and we will have auditions for the Jr. Corps. I'm so excited! I was a little worried that I would be too old for the Jr. Corps, as most of them are 11-14, but my dance teacher said they had a few older girls join in past years if they recently move there or started late.

The evaluation will be like a ballet class taught by one of the Seniors in the Senior Corps. (She was our snow queen in Nut). My dance teacher asked a guest pro dancer, the Cavalier in our Nut, to come so both of them can evaluate the class. I'm so excited, but I hope I don't get nervous and mess up! At that class, we will also fill out a form if we want to join the Corps, and it will also be like an audition and evaluation all in one ballet class. She said they look that you are physically and mentally prepared. Also, she likes girls to be around 11-12, but that doesn't really effect me.

Are any of you starting pointe soon? Have you already started pointe? Share your experiences or ask questions in the comments! Happy Dancing!


  1. I've been on pointe for almost 5 years now and I've learned the hard way the fit of the shoe matters. I had a bit to wide pair of shoes and I ended up getting tendonitis in the bottom of my foot. So if you're starting pointe don't be afraid to try different shoes. You should take about 1 to 2 hours in your first pointe shoe fitting. :)

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'm already looking for good pointe shoe fitters, since there aren't any really reliable places around me.

  2. I'm breaking in my second pair of pointe shoes now! At the beginning, your shoes will be stiff, and uncomfortable on the toes....but that is expected, I guess. Basically, my point is that as you break in your shoes all the way, they will get more fitted on your foot, and they become a bit more comfortable. But as you probably already know, pointe is never truly comfortable. :) I hope you do well in your audition! I haven't read your next couple posts, so maybe you do talk about it...but I 'm commenting on this one right now. :)

    1. Thanks for the information! I'm so curious about what it actually is like to be en pointe, I can't wait until I get my shoes. :)
