Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Show!

Hello! Last Thursday I had a fun rehearsal for the Spring Show Finale. Our show is Le Corsaire, which has to be one of the coolest ballets, considering it's about pirates. Talk about awesome, right? Here is a synopsis, if you're interested.

Anyway, the rehearsal started at 4:00 with an average 90 minute ballet class, with everyone from level 5-7. Total, there were about 20 girls from 11-18, so it was packed in the studio. I almost wiped out doing left double turns en pointe, but we'll just pretend like no one saw ;)

After class, we sat around in the dressing room while our ballet master (yep, that's really his official title!) choerographed a trio for the show. Around 6:30 level 5-6 was called in, including me, to go over a corps type piece for the finale. We mostly dance in the background while the soloists dance in the spotlight, but we do have a little section to ourselves, which is pretty cool. This will be my first ever performance en pointe, so I'm super duper excited and nervous.

Anyone else prepping for Spring shows or recitals?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Balancing Ballet and Life

Hey guys! Obviously I haven't posted in a while. Partly due to studying for two AP classes and multiple honors classes, working 3-5 nights a week, taking part in two clubs, and, of course, ballet, I have virtually no spare time. I'm trying to reorganize my life so everything fits and I'm not up until midnight doing chem homework, which happens all too often.

As for dance, I am now taking two, 2 hour long classes a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. They are usually composed of 35 minutes of barre in flats, 15 minutes of barre en pointe, and the rest of the class is center en pointe. The Spring show is soon approaching, in June, but I haven't heard word of our costumes, song, or routine yet. The ballet Coppelia is the show's inspiration, all of the music and routines will be variations on the ballet.

Oh my gosh, I really have writer's block right now. I'm gonna go brainstorm post ideas. If you want me to write about anything in particular, post in the comments!