Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hi guys, I'm headed off to class in a few minutes. I just wanted to make a quick post. I think a FAQ post would be good, and I'm currently working on it, but I'd love to hear some of your questions about me or ballet. Please leave a comment!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nutcracker Rehearsal, 11/27

Today we had another Nutcracker rehearsal. There was rehearsals for every part going on from 10 am to 5 pm, mine was 1:45 to 2:30. We rehearsed the battle scene with the soldiers, mice, Soldier Captain, Clara(s), Drosselmeyer, and the mouse king. 

The Mouse King and Drosselmeyer (Clara's Godfather) are both guest dancers from another company, and it amazes me to see them dance. Especially the Mouse King, when he dances with Clara and the soldier captain (who is a girl). He does almost as much acting as dancing, and he portrays the character awesomely.

Surprisingly, the mice were doing great today. They are pretty young girls, ages 5-7. They knew most of their cues already, and were ready to go. 

We are all really excited because in two weeks we start rehearsing at the theater where we will perform. The show is quite a big deal, with over 100 dancers from the academy and great guest dancers. My city's symphony orchestra plays the music for the show live. The show is put on in a beautiful old theater, the kind with a balcony, fancy ceilings, and red velvet seats. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pointe Requirements

Requirements for Pointe

1. Age

Before starting pointe, a girl's foot plates should be done growing so the shoes don't damage her feet. She also needs to be responsible, a good listener, and able to take instruction. For these reasons, most teachers don't put girls en pointe until they are at least 11. Some ballet dancers under 12 get foot x-rays so they can be sure their feet are done growing. With late beginners, age usually isn't a problem.

2. Strength

Pointe requires strength in the feet, ankles, legs, and core. Without good balance and strong legs and ankles, it would be just too easy to fall off pointe and break an ankle. It also takes strength to get over the box of the shoe. A qualified dance teacher will be able to tell you when you are strong enough to begin pointe. It usually takes 3 years of three classes a week.

3. Technique and ability

Technique in ballet is so important. It is much harder to maintain turnout and keep from sickling in pointe shoes, so a dancer should be able to do these things when in flat shoes. You should be able to things flat before you can try them en pointe. If you can't do a single pirouette in flat shoes, there is no way you'll be able to do it on your toes!

I think many girls want to start pointe so badly that they don't think about actually doing pointe work. It would be so dull if you got pointe shoes but couldn't do anything in them because of lack of technique.

4. Commitment

Dancers should dance ballet because they want to, not because they want to start pointe. You need to be really committed to dance to begin pointe. You should be stretching and doing exercises (with permission of a teacher) at home, and you shouldn't skip class to hang out with friends. Pointe is hard work and can become frustrating  but with determination you'll be able to improve.

*It takes an average of three 90 minute classes for three years to begin pointe, however every girl is different. Only a qualified dancer teacher can tell you when you are ready. Do NOT buy your own pointe shoes without permission from a qualified dance teacher. Do NOT begin pointe if you don't think you are ready.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Update: 11/18

Hey guys! Sorry I have not posted all week. *Cough forgot my password to log into my account Cough*  Nutcracker draws ever nearer, with the performances being on the 16th and 17th of December, and rehearsals are increasing. Surprisingly, I have none this weekend, but next Sunday I have a 2 hour one.

I made a post a few days ago about my dance teacher at my small studio retiring. The owner of the studio has taken over for her. She seems like a good teacher, she is more focused on emotion and using the stage then technique, which should be interesting. We picked out costumes for our summer recital, they are pretty cute, nice short tutu's! We haven't picked a color yet. We still need a song too! If anyone has a song suggestion that has to do with fame, fashion, glamour, accessories, ect, please leave a comment!

I don't know what to write about for you guys, I'll post a poll with possible topics, but if you have any suggestions leave a comment!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nutcracker Rehearsal, 11/11

Hi guys, last night was another Nutcracker rehearsal. It was a lot of fun, we practiced not only with the soldiers, but with the mice, rat king, the Claras (we have one per performance) and the Nutcracker himself. It was so fun seeing everything come together, I can tell already the show is going to be awesome. The mice were young girls, ages 5-8. They were all so cute and excited. The mouse that I was assigned to shoot was so adorable, I found it hard to keep a straight face while I was fake-shooting her. The fight between the Rat King, who was a 25-30ish guy guest dancer from another company, and Clara (about 13 year olds en pointe) was very entertaining. The rat king picks Clara up and she kicks her feet, once the Rat king accidently hit one of the Clara's in the face while he was trying to pick her up! She was fine, she actually started laughing while she was trying to look afraid, and they both went into hysterics. 

I'm glad I auditioned for this, it's going to be fun.

*This isn't my picture, and it isn't from my ballet academy.

Also, if anyone here is looking for ballet classes in PA (USA), post a comment and I can recommend a few places.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8th

Hey guys, I just got back from my teen ballet class. My teacher told us that it was her last day teaching, because she has a bad back and needs rest. I am so sad to see her leave, I've been taking classes from her every week since September 2010. I started tearing up when she told us, when class ended I was practically crying. I don't know if I'll stay at the studio next year. We'll definitely all miss her.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6th

Hi guys, this past week's round of classes was great. I had a Nutcracker rehearsal today, and we learned more of the routine. Today we practiced with the lead soldier and the Claras. It looks like my part will be bigger than I thought, but I still don't get as much dancing as the girls in the Jr. Company get, even though I think I could handle it.

On Tuesday there is a parent meeting for Studio A, where I take the teen beginner class. I'm really curious as to what it is about, I'm hoping it might be to discus pointe (?). Anyway, happy dancing!