Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm upset

Hi everyone! Today was another Nutcracker rehearsal, with the adorable mice, mouse queen, captain soldier, and nutcracker. We finally have the whole scene together! Now it's just syncing all the marching up, perfecting the timing, and choreographing the battle between the Mouse Queen and Nutcracker. I also got my costume today! It's white pants and a red long-sleeved zip up jacket with big gold buttons and decorations to look like a soldier jacket. I also got a plastic tall red and gold soldier hat. My father knows one of the mothers of a mouse, and as we were walking to our cars and they were talking the mouse asked to see the hat. I showed it to her and she put it on her head, it was so big it covered her eyes. It was adorable! I told her someday she might wear it on stage if she becomes a soldier when she's older, and she started pretending to march around holding a pretend gun like we do and spinning. It was so, so cute!

As you can see from the title, I'm very upset. I was originally going to say angry, but that's not really it. More like disappointed. At our ballet academy, we have three lovely studios and a dressing room (for the girls). Before class or rehearsal, everyone goes to the the dressing rooms, takes off sweats and jackets, does warm ups, has a snack, and/or chats. I usually stayed out of the dressing rooms, because I wasn't really friends with anyone at the studio, but recently I've become more comfortable there and started going in the dressing room and leaving my sweats, jacket, and dance bag there like everyone else. The dance studio is like my happy place, everything is ok when I'm dancing. Now, that security is pretty much gone. While I was in rehearsal, someone went into the dressing room, riffled through my bag (and I know because I put my coat on my bag, when I got back it was off to the side), and sent a text on my phone to my dad to try and ruin my relationship. Obviously, my dad knew I didn't sent him the explicit text. However, the very idea that someone went through my stuff, and probably read my text messages, destroys me. It's one of those "principle of the thing" situations. The worst part is, I pretty much know who did it. There's this one girl that has a crush on my boyfriend and always flirts with him. Even though we've never, and I mean never, had a conversation, she hates me just because I'm dating him (6 month anniversary this weekend!). And she just happened to be at the studio, in the dressing room, with only one other person, while I was in rehearsal.

So, I don't really know the moral of this story. I don't think I can ever feel at home at a studio where someone would do that to someone they don't know. Especially because I'm still kind of like the new girl, who doesn't really belong yet. I guess, keep your phone and valuables locked, or else in the studio while you dance if you think this could ever happen to you.

Happy dancing!


  1. Omg!! That is sooo...evil! Sorry that that happened to u! From now on I am outing a pass code on my phone.

    1. It really is, thanks for the sympathy! Definitely password lock your phone if you can, unfortunately mine doesn't so I'll have to keep it on me at all times now.

  2. That's terrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you! :( The ballet world is so competitive, it's awful that you were affected by that. Be careful!

  3. Oh wow that stinks!! I've never had that done to me before! And congrats on the 6 months!

  4. Thats the first thing people do, I know from experience they go through your pictures and try to send disgusting stuff to other people in your contacts and then they LAUGH, ACTUAL LAUGHAGE I know you don't have a lock but for other people who do please lock your phones.

  5. Sorry about what happened. I like your blog and other dance blogs too. I also like

    1. I like itsallaboutaboutdanceblog too! And this one.

    2. I think you two mean and yea I like it too.

    3. Just checked it out, I like it too!

    4. I just checked it out, too. It's good. You should leave a comment.

  6. Thank you for liking my blog. BalletGirl sorry for what happened and I like your blog.
