Monday, August 5, 2013

5th Day of Stretching!

For everyone that wanted to do my quest of stretching every day in August, how are you doing!? I feel like I can already see an increase of an inch or two in my develope's!


  1. Hi, I'm 12 (8th grade 2013-14) and I'm trying to get back into ballet. I did it from 3-9, but it got to expensive so I stopped.Your blog has really inspired me! I was moved up that year (skipped a stage) and I was let into company even though I did not take intensive classes (more expensive and twice a week) which was a requirement, so I was very involved. I've talked to my mom and the only prob. is money, but I seriously think I might be doing it! however, I always feel 'big chested' in school, if you know what I mean, even though I'm only a size 34A, and I'm really worried about how I'll look in a leotard. I have an old under-leo with adjustable straps that fits me and I thought I looked huge in it. can you give me advice? Sorry its such an awkward question but I didn't want to ask my mom. thanks

    1. Hello there! It's totally normal to feel a little awkward in a leotard at first. If you want to feel more supported, find a dance bra or sports bra to wear under your leotard, or get a leotard with a built-in bra shelf.
