Friday, August 2, 2013


Hi guys! It's been a while. I'm not dancing this summer (sadface) because I'm working a lot. It's a double edged sword, because more work means I can keep taking dance, but the more I work the less time I have to dance. It looks like I'll be taking two ballet classes this year, 90 minutes on Monday with level 5 and 6, because they're both really small levels (4-5 people each), and 2 hours on Thursday with just my level. I'm excited, to say the least. I'm thinking of asking my dad if I can take a solo class at my old studio twice a month, but I don't even know if they'd let me do that, and how much it would cost, ect. I would love to learn a lyrical solo, or even a ballet solo.

Anyway, I've decided to do something I call, "Stretch Everyday in August!" where I August. Pretty self-explanatory, really. It's my second day, and I decided to warm up first by attempting the Odette/White Swan variation (but I did it on flat). It's a really pretty, really simple variation, so I watched a few videos, and put my own spin in some places, and got warmed up. Now I'm sitting here, stretching as I type.

My goals:

  • Stretch everyday, if it's 10 minutes or an hour and a half
  • Get right split
  • Get closer to left and center split
So what do you think? Anyone who wants to join me definitely should! We could all comment on this post to stay motivated, and accomplish your own flexibility goals, whether it's to touch your toes or to nail your oversplits!


  1. oh my god YES let's stretch ALL THE TIME

  2. I am 13, and I have started learning ballet and modern dance a month ago. I absolutely love it. I even want to major it in college when I grow up. It's not like I want to become a professional ballerina or anything, but I want to have a degree on it. Will I be able to do it? I'm worried about my future, and everything :( One thing I know for sure is that I love ballet!

    1. It is possible to get a BA in dance. I don't know the specifics, but I'm pretty sure you have to audition to be accepted into the program, so work hard and take as many classes and workshops as you can! It may be possible for you to work in a modern company, or a smaller free-lance company!

      Here's a list of jobs for dance majors!

    2. Thank you so much! Your reply really means a lot to me. If I major in dance(ballet) will I be able to be a ballerina then?

    3. Unfortunately, probably not. Girls who have been training 10+ years in ballet usually finish high school early (around age 16) so they can apprenticed with a company. They usually skip college all together. With a BA in fine arts you'd be able to persure a career in a company that doesn't focus on ballet, like modern, or you could try your hand at "commercial dancing", which would be like dancing for movies, tv, commercials, music videos, ect.

      Honestly, a career in dance is very, very hard. If you have your heart set on it, then follow your dreams! But don't forget that you don't have to dance for money, you can dance your whole life for fun and not have to worry about getting dancing jobs.

    4. Thank you balletgirl :) I had ballet class today, and few hours later I'm going to be going to my modern dance class. The only natural benefit I have is turnout and tiny little bit of flexibility but I'm not sure how it helps me haha is it a good thing???

  3. I'm definitely in! I've had a similar idea because I really want to nail my middle split and better oversplits on my right side.

  4. Definately in! I just found your blog and it is totally relatable! I'm 14 and I've been dancing for 11 years and ballet is my passion.

  5. Haha, I did the same thing during my summer holidays, where I stretched everyday in January! I saw lots of improvement!
