Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dance on TV

I can not get enough of dance. Seriously, my mother thinks I take too many classes a week (at 3 please, that's like nothing), but I think I need another on Saturday or Sunday because I always want to dance on the weekends. So I love anything that has to do with dance, and here is an overview of my favorite two dance TV shows.

Dance Moms
Ok, this show is both ridiculous and dramatic, but I like it. It has a mix of drama and dance that really draws me in. There are girls half my age dancing that are 4 times better then I will ever be. The choreography is great, and the fights are entertaining. Just to let you guys know, the teacher doesn't yell as much as it seems. She actually has a great relationship with her dancers, but dramatizes it for the show.
Dance Academy
So, I had never heard of this show until it showed up in a random search I did on youtube. It was filmed in Austrialia, so I don't know how popular it is there, but it just aired in America. It is really a great show, it is a fictional show about an Aussie girl who auditions for a ballet academy and makes it. She lives at the academy, and has problems with jealous and carefree girls she meets. There are also plenty of boys, and as the season progresses some romances spring up. The actors and actresses on the show are actually pretty good dancers, so they do show a lot of dancing. I love this show and absolutely recommend it to anyone interested in ballet. Dance Academy is on Netflix instant, or you can watch it on Youtube.

I also tune in for Dancing with the Stars if a celeb I know is on it. I know I missed So You Think You Can dance, but I've never actually seen it! Tell me if you watch any of these shows and what you think, or tell me if I missed any of your dance shows!


  1. I really like Dance Academy and Dance Moms. But people seem to get really over dramatic thinking that Abby is 'abusing' her dancers.

    1. Yeah, I don't think non-dancers realize that Abby just follows "tough love". She can be a little harsh, but not abusive.

      Dance Academy is great, I'm loving the 2nd season so far!

  2. Yay Dance Moms! I never miss an episode!

  3. New season of dance moms airs tommorow( Jan. 1, 2013) on lifetime in case you hadn't heard!

    1. Yeah, I saw! I love it so much, it's my guilty pleasure.

  4. I love Bunheads a lot! It's not on Netflix yet (I'm guessing it will be soon), but the fist season is just finishing up on ABC Family. It's weird at first, but it's witty and funny and, of course, ballet!
