Sunday, July 8, 2012

Long time, no post!

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. I don't really have anything new to post about, seeing as how I'm not currently taking classes. I'm going to contact my teen beginner studio and see if I can take the rest of their summer classes soon.

I was talking to my friend who has a fashion and beauty themed Youtube channel about doing a stage makeup video with me around November/December, and she was really excited about the idea. I may talk to her about helping me with more videos for my own channel. I could do simple videos and make a channel that goes hand in hand with the blog. Tell me what you guys think about a Teen Ballet youtube channel in the comments below!


  1. That would be awesome! Good idea!

  2. Yes please! That sounds great!

  3. OMG yeah that would be amazing

  4. That sounds really fun- I would watch your YouTube

  5. Maybe post about your goals for summer. Or skills you want to have by the end of the summer, etc...
    I know one of mine, learn that stupid axel......

    1. That's a good idea, I'll get on that! I can't even imagine how hard axels must be!

    2. Yeah, axels are hard especially when you start them you. After a while you get a hang of them (or so I'm told). Then comes doubles, maybe I'll keep tally of how many times I fall....

  6. Thanks for the comments guys! I'll look into it some more, it might be a while before things get started up though.

  7. I have a YouTube channel and we could join together! I already have 15 videos up. Just wondering, will you show your face in the videos?

    1. That's a really neat idea, I would love to see your videos! I would probably show my face if I decide to make a channel, I'm still a bit unsure about it because I like to remain anonymous online for safety reasons.

  8. I wouldn't worry about showing your face. There are so many people on YouTube who make tons of videos showing there faces and they seem to be okay :) it could also be really cool if you showed us some of your dances on YouTube!
