Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nutcracker Rehearsal, 11/11

Hi guys, last night was another Nutcracker rehearsal. It was a lot of fun, we practiced not only with the soldiers, but with the mice, rat king, the Claras (we have one per performance) and the Nutcracker himself. It was so fun seeing everything come together, I can tell already the show is going to be awesome. The mice were young girls, ages 5-8. They were all so cute and excited. The mouse that I was assigned to shoot was so adorable, I found it hard to keep a straight face while I was fake-shooting her. The fight between the Rat King, who was a 25-30ish guy guest dancer from another company, and Clara (about 13 year olds en pointe) was very entertaining. The rat king picks Clara up and she kicks her feet, once the Rat king accidently hit one of the Clara's in the face while he was trying to pick her up! She was fine, she actually started laughing while she was trying to look afraid, and they both went into hysterics. 

I'm glad I auditioned for this, it's going to be fun.

*This isn't my picture, and it isn't from my ballet academy.

Also, if anyone here is looking for ballet classes in PA (USA), post a comment and I can recommend a few places.

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