Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Ballet Class of 2012!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had nice winter breaks, I know I did. I'm just preparing for my first ballet class of 2012, and I'm so pumped. It's only been a week off but it feels like it's been a month! I have my teen class today, which is always very carefree and fun, so I'm really happy. Anyone else starting up classes again?

Just a few notes: The Capezio leotard I got in NYC is amazing. It has "BraTek", which is like a built in bra, so it's supportive for more busty girls. Also, it's so snug, which I like, and the color is really nice. Next note, I've been suffering a severe case of Nutcracker withdrawal (ask any dancer, it's real!), so I'm posting a Nutcracker poll. Just in case you were wondering, I voted for Arabian. I love that dance so much.

Here's a nice anaheim ballet video, I love them:


  1. Hey this doesn't have anything to do with this particular post but I just saw your blog and I think it's cool... My mom proposed the idea of ballet lessons (I'll be fifteen in a couple days literally) and I'm five feet tall and weigh 90 lbs... I want to do it but I wonder if it's worth it? I run cross country and I'm a little flat footed, wondering if that matters?

  2. If you want to do it, I think it's worth it. If you take three classes a week you can still become a pretty good dancer despite starting late. And if you just want to dance for fun, one class a week is perfect. You can always contact a dance studio and take a few months worth of lessons, then decide if you want to continue, add more classes, or take less classes.

    Most dancers don't run because it reduces flexibility, but that isn't really an issue for recreational dancers. The flat footed part might make pointe a little more complicated, but that's a while off.

    Well, I hope that helped. My opinion is you should try it, but I'm biased :)

  3. Yay, a new ballet blog to follow!
    It's the first teen one I've seen that's still active.
    I'm starting ballet in Feb-couldn't be more excited!

    One question-how do you feel about dancing with the nine year olds?

  4. Awesome, that's exciting! As for your question, at first I was a little embarrassed, but now it's just like any other class. They are from ages 9-11, most being 10 or 11, so like 5th grade. They aren't really able to do as much as I can because they aren't as focused. I just focus on my dancing in class and it's like they aren't even there. I'm not worrying about age too much because soon enough I'll be progressing into the next level with kids closer to my own age.
