Saturday, January 21, 2012

Quick Tips for Ballet Class

Hey everyone, I decided to come up with a list of tips for dance class.

1. Warm up before class. Try to get warmed up 10 minutes or so before class so you are in the mood to dance and don't get any cramped muscles. The warmer you are the more flexible you are, so that's good too. A simple warm up could be jogging in place, jumping rope, doing a jumping combination, or playing Just Dance (I love JD). When I'm running short on time, I do some gentle stretching in the car on the way to dance, usually just sticking my feet on the dashboard and touching my toes.

2. Focus in class. As hard as it is, try not to let your mind wander. In my classes at the academy, we go over combinations once or twice before doing them. If you aren't paying attention, you become so lost. My teacher might say something like, "We'll start in first, do two tondues, a tondu in plie, and another tondu, close in fifth. Repeat to the side, closing front first, and back. Reverse the combination. Then go to passe, close front, passe, close back, passe close front. Then do a circular port de bras. Plie releve, and hold." If your mind wanders, you might catch one sentence, resulting in a really bad looking barre combination. I have definitely done that before, and it is pretty embarrassing.

3. Don't eat an hour before class. It's ok to eat something light, like a granola bar, half an hour or so before class, but always try to time meals so you have an hour after finishing before ballet. Big meals plus ballet is not fun.

4. Put your hair up in a bun. It is so much easier to turn if your hair is up in a bun. Plus, it looks cleaner and neater.

5. Don't talk in class. This comes off as disrespectful to the teacher, and it's distracting to students. It's ok to ask for help, of course, and to talk during water breaks, but keep chatter in class to a minimum.


  1. Hey! I am a 15 year old (started ballet when i was fourteen a few months ago) and am taking a beginning teen ballet class. I am a little self conscious of wearing a leotard. The whole wearing-skin-tight-clothes-and-having-your-hair-plastered-out-of-your-face look certainly reveals a lot, especially for a shy girl whose been doing other sports that dress you a bit more modest her whole life. I really like ballet but feel i'd be more comfortable if i was smaller (skinnier and shorter) like some of the other girls. Also, are recitals scary? theres only like 5 girls in my ballet class so the recital should be...intimate...or..embarrassing!

  2. Hi! I know what you mean about being a bit self-conscious in a leotard, I think most late beginners to ballet who haven't grown up in a leotard feel the same way. You might want to ask your teacher if you are allowed to wear shorts, a tank top, or a skirt in class to warm up in. I really love my black knit shorts (mentioned in the NYC post)because they cover up without being too baggy or annoying.

    Honestly, I was pretty nervous for my first recital, but it was fine. You'll probably have a dress rehearsal before the recital so you can get used to the stage and lights. On the recital day, it helps to just goof around with your classmates to get rid of nerves, and run through the dance a few times. It helps me to take a deep breath and just "shake out" the nerves.

    Hope that helps! Please comment with any other questions/comments.

  3. You should do a post on stage makeup and how you did yours for ur recital and what products u used cuz I have my first recital this year and the whole stage makeup thing is a little intimidating to me because I don't wear a lot of makeup

    Also u should post a video of you dancing or a video of ur recital dance I think u must b a rly good dancer nd id like to see!!! :)) please!!

  4. I'm not the best at stage makeup either, to be honest! I'll talk to my makeup savvy friend and see if she'll help me with a makeup post (or maybe even a video...).

    I don't want to make myself seem like a really amazing dancer, I'm just average. Sometime in June when we get the recital video I'll put it up if I can. Maybe once our dance is done for recital I'll take a video in the studio a little before then, maybe around March.

  5. Hi! I just found your blog, and I think it's really nice! I also take ballet, along with tap, lyrical, and contemporary. I'd love if you'd check out my blog, I just post about dance and life...well, thanks! I leave my link below :-)

  6. Hey livelovedance16, glad you like the blog! I did check out your blog, it's very interesting. I would love to try out for an SI, maybe next year :(. Good luck on the SI and on Godspell, that must be exciting.

  7. My daughter would love to be in a ballet class. My wife has been wanting to put her in a dance class for a long time but we haven't found a teacher. I would love to find a teacher like this to help my daughter. Maybe I should make some phone calls.
