Sunday, December 11, 2011

What to Know Before Your First Ballet Class

Hey everyone, here are some things you should know before your first ballet class!

1. Dress code! Call or E-mail your dance studio and find out what you need to wear to class. You can also ask them if they can recommend a good dance supply store.

2. Location and parking. Before going to your ballet class, make sure you know where it is, and make sure you know the parking situation. My dance academy in a city, and the parking lot is very tough to get too. It's in a very large building dedicated to the arts, so it's actually on the 4th floor of the building. It is not fun trying to find parking, then the elevator, then the right floor, then the right studio (out of three) the day of your first dance class, so visit it ahead!

3. Some basics. Do NOT practice ballet AT ALL before you're first class! However, it's good to watch some videos so you'll have a rough idea of what you need to do. Here is a good video. Again, DO NOT practice this at home!

And really, that's all! Don't be nervous for your first ballet class, just relax and have fun!

Edit: The blog was uploading much slower the past few days, so I deleted a few photos from this and it seems to be going faster again. Sorry 'bout that!


  1. i just want to say, thank you so much. i am 14 and have always wanted to do ballet to the pointe level and i have just now started because i saw that it really is possible. :)

  2. That's awesome, and you're welcome! I hope you are loving ballet so far, it really is so much fun. Pointe takes years of hard work, but I think it really will pay off in the end :)

  3. hi i just wanna know why we shouldnt practice ballet at home?

    1. You shouldn't practice ballet before you take classes because you could pick up bad habits. For example, you may not pull up your muscles correctly, or you may force your turn out accidently, both of which are bad habits that are hard to break once you start doing them. Instead, just stretch at home until you have taken several classes.
