Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Drum roll please... New Autumn Show!

Hello guys, I'm super excited to tell you some news! Our company has been making a bunch of changes recently, such as a new location and no orchestra for Nutcracker (meh), and continuing the old tradition of having three shows a year! This means we will begin preparing in August for our new show, which is.....Alice in Wonderland! I am so excited, because I thought that the ballet would just be for company members, which I am not, but our teacher wants to incorporate the conservatory students as well!

Here's a video I've been obsessed with even before I knew we were doing Alice, a behind the scenes look at rehearsal:



  1. The Alice in Wonderland show sounds fun. I hope someday I could do that, but I havn't even started ballet yet ( but on monday I will start ballet!). It's great that the teachers are allowing conservatory students be in it.
    This is kind of off subject but the guy in the tap shoes in the video is kind of cute.

    1. Good luck on Monday! Tell me how it goes! And I agree, he is cute. I have a thing for dancers now, the one 17 year old boy in my company isn't my type, but when he dances...

    2. I just got done with ballet. I had fun. I can't wait to go again. I am really happy right now.

  2. That sounds fun! And I really love this video :D

    1. I'm so happy! And me too, I've probably watched it 10 times by now all the way through. There's something about being "behind the scenes" that I love.

  3. You get to do an August show? Wow! It seems fun, I love Alice in Wonderland. Is the style of dance for your show ballet?

    What is the name of the video because I can't see it but I would love to watch it?

  4. Well, it's a fall show but we begin rehearsing in August. The style is ballet, I believe it's a mix of classical and modern but I'm not sure, I haven't seen the show in it's entirety.

    The video is called "Christopher Wheeldon rehearses Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by the Royal Opera House ballet.

    1. I'm obsessed with it, too! It seems fun and lively and I love the music!

    2. Exactly! And it shows that ballet isn't always so...classical. That it can be kinda weird and fun as well.

  5. This sounds lovely! I saw an Alice in Wonderland ballet and it was splendid. I hope you get to be in it!

    Jackie @ adancersfairytale.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you, I'm hopeful too! Your blog looks great, good luck getting back into dance!
