Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Intensive: Day Two

Hey guys! So yesterday was the second day of the intensive. It started normally with a 90 minute class, but before we put on pointe shoes, our teacher said she wanted to try something. Fouettes. Eeek! Yesterday was the first day I ever attempted fouettes, and oh my god, they're difficult. I have no idea how the girls my age in the company do them perfectly en pointe. On the right I managed to turn about 4 or 5 times, and then I fell out and had to start over.On the left...well, let's just say I am not a left turner. I can barely even do double pirouettes to the left.

After that we did pointe barre, and I got to try out my new shoes! I really like them, but they put more pressure on my toes than my old shoes did. I'm hoping all will be well when they break in. We also did some chaines across the floor on pointe. My right chaines were fine, but once again, my left turns are not too great.

Over all it was a really fun class! I love that there is only three people, because we get more time to try combinations. Like, yesterday we did petite allegro 4 times before we got everything right. Normally we would stop after 2 just because of time constraints.

1 comment:

  1. Fouette turns.. my greatest enemy. I've been trying to work on those darned turns for 6 years now and I still can't get them.. on flat!

    Don't even ask me to do them en pointe either...

    *sigh* I guess turning isn't my best friend. I got triple pirouettes to my right, singles to the left and no fouette turns at all... I don't get it! :P
